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🇮🇩Penjahat Ditakdirkan untuk Mati [SELLASCANS]
악역의 엔딩은 죽음뿐 / Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess / Chết là cái kết thúc cho nhân vật phản diện / Kết thúc của nhân vật phản diện là cái chết / 恶役只有死亡结局 / Kematian adalah Akhir Sang Antagonis / A Morte é o Único Final Para a Vilã / 恋爱手游的男主都很危险 / 悪役のエンディングは死のみ / The Villain's Ending Is Death / Kamatayan Lang ang Nararapat Para sa Kontrabida / Kötünün Tek Sonu Ölümdür / Для лиходійки лиш одна кінцівка – смерть / Единственный исход злодейки - смерть / Конец злодейки - смерть / Смерть - единственный конец для злодейки / เป็นตัวร้ายก็ต้องตายเท่านั้น / 反派角色只有死亡結局 / EL ÚNICO FINAL DE LA VILLANA ES LA MUERTE / Seule la mort attend la Vilaine / Phản Phái Nhân Vật Chỉ Hữu Tử Vong Kết Cục / 反派角色只有死亡结局
GWON Gyeoeul / SUOL
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Game,Isekai,Magic,Romance,Royal family
🇮🇩The Strongest Characters In The World Are Obsessed With Me ✧SugarMommy✧
The Most Powerful Characters in the World Are Obsessed With Me / Orang-Orang Terkuat Di Dunia Terobsesi Padaku. / 세계관 최강자들이 내게 집착한다 / Semangat Mengejar Cinta Ayank
김코끼리 / Zion
The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter
A Duquesa Monstruosa e a Princesa de Contrato / Bản Khế Ước Với Nữ Công Tước Ác Ma / Canavar Düşes ve Sözleşmeli Prenses / Goemul Gongjagui Gyeyang Gongnyeo / L'enfant des ténèbres / La duchesse monstrueuse et la dame du contract / La duchesse monstrueuse et la princesse par contrat / La duquesa monstruosa y la princesa del contrato / Nữ công tước quái vật và công chúa hợp đồng / Putri Kontrak dan Duchess Monster / The Monster Duchess and the Contract Lady / The Monster Duchess and the Contract Princess / Witch's Counterattack / Княгиня чудовищ и принцесса по контракту / داچس هیولا مانند و شاهزادهی قراردادی / 怪物公爵と契約公女 / 魔女的逆袭 / 魔女的逆襲 / 괴물 공작가의 계약 공녀
Liaran / MinJakk
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Romance,Slice of Life
Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You [Official]
A Story About Smoking at the Back of the Supermarket / Behind the Supermarket, Smoking With You / Cerita Tentang Merokok di Belakang Supermarket / Historias que ocurren al fumar en la parte trasera del supermercado / Suupaa no Ura de Yani Suu Hanashi / Super no Ura de Yani Suu Futari / Uma história sobre fumar no fundo de um mercadinho / История о перекуре за супермаркетом / Історія про перекур за супермаркетом / スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり / 在超市后吸烟的故事 / 在超市后门吸烟的二人
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Age Gap,Comedy,Office Workers,Romance,Slice of Life
🇮🇩My Sweet Enemy, Thy Name is Husband ✧SugarMommy✧
상냥한 원수와의 정략결혼 / An Arranged Marriage with the Kind Enemy / Suamiku Yang Manis / Political Marriage With A Friendly Enemy
seullopeu / 슬로프
🇮🇩I'm the Most Beautiful Count [Ubibae]
Aku Yang paling Cetar Badai Membahana Syalalalaaa / I Am the Most Beautiful Khun Khun in Siam / Tôi là công tử đẹp nhất Xiêm / ฉันนี่แหละท่านขุนที่สวยที่สุดในสยาม / 暹罗头号美人
🇹🇭Webtoon,Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Action,Comedy,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Romance,Royalty
🇮🇩Suamiku, Tolong Nikahi Aku Lagi! ✧SugarMommy✧
Please Marry Me Again, Husband! / 남편님, 다시 결혼해 주세요! / Ayang, Kawin Lagi Yuk!
Motoyan Papa to Hitsuji-sensei
元ヤンパパ とヒツジ先生 / Moto Yankee Papa to Hitsuji-sensei / Motoyan Papa to Hitsuji-sensei Hidamari / Motoyan Papa to Hitsuji-sensei Yotsuba
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Romance,Slice of Life
Mochizuki-sanchi no Yankee
Mochizuki Sanchi no Yankee / Mochizuki-san Chi no Yankee / 望月さん家のヤンキー / 望月家的不良
Uzuki Miya
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Delinquents,Romance,Slice of Life
I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game!
It Looks Like I've Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game / It Seems Like I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game / Estou dentro de um jogo de harém inverso / Terjatuh ke Permainan Harem / Yeok Harem Game Sogeuro Tteoreojin Moyangimnida / 역하렘 게임 속으로 떨어진 모양입니다 / 偶然开启女尊游戏
inui / GOYA
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Mature,Smut,Adaptation,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Reincarnation,Reverse Harem,Romance,Video Games
Mookhyang: Dark Lady [Official]
묵향 다크레이디 / MukHyang - Dark Lady
Jeon Dongzo / Lee Jaehun / Kukit
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Fantasy,Full Color,Gender Bender,Isekai,Martial Arts,Mystery
Josou Shite Mendokusai Koto ni Natteru Nekura to Yankee no Ryou Kataomoi (Official)
Anziehend anders / cross-dressing became troublesome - a pessimist and a delinquent's mutual unrequited love / Crossplay Love: Otaku x Punk / Josou Shite Mendoukusai Koto ni Natteru Nekura to Yankee no Ryou Kataomoi / Josоou-shite Mendokusai Koto ni Natteru Nekura to Yankee no Ryоou Kataomoi / รักวุ่นวายของนายมืดมนกับแยงกี้ตัวร้ายสายแต่งหญิง / 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い
Tooru (II)
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Shounen ai,Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance,Slice of Life
Motoyan Joushi ga Kawaisugiru!!
元ヤン上司がかわいすぎる!! / My Former Bad Boy Boss Is Just Too Cute!!
Tsubomi Chikuwa
Yankee Ω wa Kemono Ou-sama no Mono!
Delinquent Omega Belongs to the Beast King!
The World's Strongest Are Obsessed With Me [Official]
Karakter Terkuat di Dunia Terobsesi Denganku / L'Obsession des transcendants / Les personnages les plus forts du monde sont obsédés par moi! / Os personagens mais fortes do mundo estão obcecados por mim / Semangat Mengejar Cinta Ayank / The Most Powerful Characters in the World Are Obsessed With Me / The Strongest Characters in the World Are Obsessed With Me / ¡Los personajes más fuertes del mundo están obsesionados conmigo! / Дэлхийн хамгийн хүчирхэг дүрүүд надад сэтгэл алдардаг / Найсильніші персонажі світу одержимі мною / قدرتمندترین شخصیت های دنیا بهم وسواس دارن / 世界最强者们都为我倾倒 / 世界最强者执着于我 / 乙女ゲームの最強キャラたちが私に執着する / 세계관 최강자들이 내게 집착한다
Elephant Kim / ZION
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Romance
🇮🇩Wanita yang menikmati hidup setelah ditolak 《cont by flaneur》
버림받고 즐기는 소박한 독신의 삶, Rejected Lady Enjoying a Modest Life {libelle}
Yandere Killing!! ~When I told my obsessive childhood friend, "I love you too," she shifted to the romantic comedy route~
Yandere Koroshi!! - Shuuchaku Yaba me no Osananajimi ni "Watashi mo Suki" to Tsutaetara, Lovecome Route ni Shift shimashita / ヤンデレ殺し!! ~執着ヤバめの幼馴染に「私も好き」と伝えたら、ラブコメルートにシフトしました~ / 病娇的败北!!~执着系竹马得知两情相悦后竟转变为纯情少男~
Toyama Monaka / Kazuichi
🇮🇩I’m a Worthless Stepmother, But I Love My Family Madly! ✧ KUMAPAGE ✧
ダメ継母だけど家族は大好き! / 我是一个不值钱的继母,但我疯狂地爱我的家人! / Aku Ibu Tiri yang Tidak Berharga, Tapi Aku Sangat Mencintai Keluargaku! / Kumapage
🇯🇵Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Girls,Kids,Magic,Romance,Super Power
🇮🇩Sayang, aku akan mogok
Honey, I'm Going On a Strike / 여보, 나 파업할게요 / Mintchoco
Go eunchae
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Mature,Fantasy,Full Color,Romance
🇮🇩A Young Wife ✨UCHIHA_KIKI✨
어린 아내 | UCHIHA_KIKI Matrimonio Arreglado / Young Wife (Yanyan) / 어린 아내 / La esposa joven
Studio Inus / Yanyan (얀yan) / Sik (Contimaker Studio)
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Adaptation,Age Gap,Full Color,Romance
Suicide Notes Laid on the Table (Official)
Isho, Koukai. / Zelfmoordbriefjes op tafel gelegd / Notes de suicide déposées sur la table / Auf den Tisch gelegte Abschiedsbriefe / Catatan Bunuh Diri yang diletakkan di atas meja / Предсмертные записки, разложенные на столе / Notas de suicidio puestas sobre la mesa / 遺書、公開。
Minami Toutarou
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Drama,Mystery,Psychological,School Life
🇮🇩(Sujin) Malam yang Tidak Bermoral
Paeng yujeong / KK
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Drama,Full Color,Historical,Romance
🇮🇩I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game! [Spygetti]
It Looks Like I've Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game / It Seems Like I Fell Into a Reverse Harem Game / Estou dentro de um jogo de harém inverso / Terjatuh ke Permainan Harem / Yeok Harem Game Sogeuro Tteoreojin Moyangimnida / 역하렘 게임 속으로 떨어진 모양입니다 / 偶然开启女尊游戏 / meowmie
Inui / Goya
🇰🇷4-Koma,Manhwa,Josei(W),Adult,Smut,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Historical,Isekai,Reverse Harem,Reverse Isekai,Romance
A Story About a Man and a Woman and When They Sleep Together, Money Appears Out of Nowhere
Ichaicha suruto okane ga wai chau danjo no hanashi / イチャイチャするとお金が湧いちゃう2人の話 / イチャイチャするとお金が湧いちゃう男女の話 / Cerita tentang seorang pria dan seorang wanita yang saat "bermesraan" uang muncul entah darimana
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Villain Duke's Precious One
악당 대공님의 귀하디귀한 여동생 / 悪党大公様の可愛い妹 / 恶棍的宝贝妹妹 / 反派大公的寶貝妹妹 / 伯爵家的不速之客们 / ฉันคือน้องสาวสุดที่รักของแกรนด์ดยุกตัวร้าย / Mon méchant frère et moi / Der Schatz des bösen Herzogs / Adik Kesayangan Grand Duke yang Jahat
Eclair / Leeggamnu / Luna Heng
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Comedy,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Kids,Magic,Reincarnation,Romance
The Villainess' Butler: Death Flag Destroyer at Your Service (Official)
Akuyaku Reijou no Shitsuji-sama / Akuyaku Reijou no Shitsuji-sama ~ Ore ga Sodateta Kanojo wa Totemo Kawaii ~ / Pelayan Putri Villain / Ruin of the Villainess' Butler / The Villainess' Butler - I Raised Her to Be Very Cute / The Villainess' Butler: Death Flag Destroyer at Your Service / The Villainess' Butler: I'll Crush the Death Flags / The Villainous Daughter's Butler - I'll Crush the Destruction Flags / The Villainous Daughter's Valet: I Raised Her to Be Very Cute / The Villainous Daughter’s Butler - I Raised Her to Be Very Cute / 悪役令嬢の執事様 / 悪役令嬢の執事様 破滅フラグは俺が潰させていただきます / 悪役令嬢の執事様~俺が育てた彼女はとても可愛い~
Hiiro no Ame / Shoubu
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Adaptation,Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Isekai,Kids,Magic,Romance,Royal family,Royalty,School Life,Slice of Life,Video Games,Villainess
Akage no Nyanko to Mori no Banken
The Crimson Kitty and The Forest Watchdog / 赤毛のにゃんこと森の番犬
Haru (晴)
The Scent of Peonies [Official]
Mok Danhyang / Mokdan's Fragrance / Mokdan's Scent / Mokdanhyang / Mokttanhyang / Mu Dan Xiang / Mudanxiang / Pellet Fragrant of Mok / Tree Peony / Wood Incense / Woody Scent / 牧丹香 / 목단향
Winterbaum / Shin Yuri
🇰🇷Manhwa,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Gender Bender,Historical,Romance
Motoyan Nouka no H ga yabai! ~Tonikaku ore ni momaretero
Former Delinquent Farmer's Sex Appeal is Dangerous : At Least Let Me Feel You Up
Kazu (和)
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Adult,Smut,Age Gap,Childhood Friends,Romance,Slice of Life
My Unexpected Marriage (Official)
Botsuraku Reijou no Ikoku Kekkonroku / Mijn onverwachte huwelijk / Mon mariage inattendu / Meine unerwartete Heirat / Pernikahan Saya yang Tak Terduga / Мой неожиданный брак / Mi matrimonio inesperado / 没落令嬢の異国結婚録 / 몰락 영애의 이국 결혼록
Emoto Mashimesa / Hino Anju
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Comedy,Cooking,Historical,Romance,Royal family,Slice of Life
Ichizu na Kare no Moujuu Sex Konyakusha ha Zatsurin Yankeee
Wild Nights With My Insatiable Fiance -This Bad Boy Just Won't Stop!-
Sexual Awakening of an Ex Delinquent (Official)
Motoyan Kikuji-kun, Kaihatsu Hajimemashita / 元ヤン菊司くん、開発はじめました。
Kanchi (かんち)
Yaoi(BL),Smut,Comedy,Delinquents,Office Workers
Memoirs of an Exorcist
[Hageuksang Anthology] Secret Tales of Yin-Yang Exorcism / [Mutiny Short Stories] Secret Tales of Yin-Yang Exorcism / [以下犯上系列] 阴阳驱魔秘籍 / [하극상 단편선] 음양퇴마비록 / Secret Tales of Yin-Yang Exorcism / 以下克上驱魔
Nuunsun / Haemill
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Age Gap,Anthology,Drama,Full Color
Motoyan no Atashi ga Hana Ijitteru Yasao ni Mout Torarerunante
元ヤンのアタシが花いじってる優男にマウント取られるなんて!? / Can a Floral Designer Seriously Get the Better of an Ex-Bad Girl Like Me!?
Mio Fujima
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