Search "je-ah"
Mr. Villain's Day Off (Official)
Villain-san's Day Off / Kyuujitsu no Warumono-san / Meneer Schurk's vrije dag / Le jour de congé de M. Villain / Der freie Tag des Schurken / Hari Libur Tuan Penjahat / Выходной день мистера Злодея / El día libre de Mr. Villain / 休假日的坏人先生 / 休假日的壞人先生 / 休日のわるものさん
Morikawa Yuu
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Seinen(M),Animals,Comedy,Kids,Slice of Life,Supernatural
🇮🇩Pengantin Rahasia Singa Putih
하얀 사자의 비밀 신부 / The White Lion's Secret Bride / The Secret Bride Of The White Lion / Rescans Drop Project
🪫 / Lim Hye / Bong Bi
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Action,Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance
🇮🇩The Foreign Object was Me ✧ KUMAPAGE ✧
Objek Asing Itu Adalah Aku / The Foreign Object was Me / 이물질은 나였다 / Cretia
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Regression,Romance
I'm Not Even an NPC In This Otome Game! (Official)
I'm Not Even an NPC in This Otome Game! / I’m Not Even an Otome Game Mob Character / Otome Game no Mob Desura Naindaga / Otome Game no Mobu Desura Naindaga / Otomege no Mob de Sura Nain da ga / Otomege no Mobudesura Naindaga / Ik ben niet eens een NPC in dit Otome spel! / Ich bin nicht einmal ein NPC in diesem Otome-Spiel! / Je ne suis même pas un PNJ dans ce jeu d'Otome ! / Aku bahkan bukan NPC dalam game Otome ini! / ¡Ni siquiera soy un NPC en este juego Otome! / Я Не Моб Из Девичьей Отомэ-игры / 乙女ゲーのモブですらないんだが
Gyokuro / Himeno Meno
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Childhood Friends,Comedy,Fantasy,Isekai,Kids,Magic,Reincarnation,Romance,Royal family,Royalty,Video Games,Villainess
🇮🇩Wanita yang menikmati hidup setelah ditolak 《cont by flaneur》
버림받고 즐기는 소박한 독신의 삶, Rejected Lady Enjoying a Modest Life {libelle}
🇮🇩IDKu Ketahuan Tokoh Jahat (Official)
Identitasku Ketahuan Tokoh Jahat / Agyeogege Jeongcheleul Deulkyeobeolyeossda / I Was Discovered by the Villain / The Villain Discovered My Identity / 反派发现了我的身份 / 悪役に正体がバレてしまった / 악역에게 정체를 들켜버렸다
CHA Sohee / Chara
🇰🇷Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Romance
I need to suck blood tonight
Permettez que je boive votre sang / Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsurei Shimasu / Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsureishimasu / 夜分に吸血失礼します。 / 夜半吸血多有叨扰 / 깊은 밤, 흡혈 좀 하겠습니다/ Permisi karena menghisap darah di malam hari
Amida muku
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Bloody,Drama,Mystery,Office Workers,Psychological,Romance,Supernatural,Vampires
Final Boss Fake-out: The Protagonist Thinks He Killed Me So Now I'm Free! (Official)
Final Boss Fake-out: The Protagonist Thinks He Killed Me So Now I'm Free! / I Tried to Stop Being the Last Boss ~I Pretended to be Defeated by the Main Character and Tried to Live Freely~ / Last Boss, Yametemita - Shujinkou ni Taosareta Furi Shite Jiyuu ni Ikitemita / Last Boss, Yametemita ~Shujinkou ni Taosareta Furi Shite Jiyuu ni Ikitemita~ / Фейк-аут финального босса: Протагонист думает, что убил меня, и теперь я свободен! / Final Boss Fake-out : Le Protagoniste pense qu'il m'a tué donc maintenant je suis libre ! / Endgegner-Täuschung: Der Protagonist denkt, dass er mich getötet hat, also bin ich jetzt frei! / Fake-out del jefe final: ¡El protagonista cree que me ha matado y ahora soy libre! / ラスボス、やめてみた ~主人公に倒されたふりして自由に生きてみた~ / 라스트 보스, 그만둬 보았다
Sakaki Mochimaru / Namiki Tsukiyama
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Fantasy,Game,Isekai,Magic,Monsters,Reincarnation,Transmigration,Video Games
🇮🇩Tujuanku adalah Hidup Lama sebagai Orang Kaya (Official)
The Goal Is to Become a Gold Spoon so I Need to Be Completely Invulnerable / My Goal Is to Live a Long, Healthy Life as a Golden Spoon / Mogpyoneun geumsujeolo mubyeongjangsuhagiibnida / Золотая ложка судьбы: Миссия выживание / Моя цель состоит в том, чтобы прожить свою жизнь с золотой ложкой! / 목표는 금수저로 무병장수하기입니다 / I Dream of Health, Wealth, and a Long Life
Cheong song-a / Nam sarang / Yoshua / Galaxyjellyfish
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Magic,Reincarnation,Romance
Girl Jock Empress [Official]
College Student Empress / Die ungezähmte Kaiserin / Nữ sinh ở cung Hoàng hậu / Sa Majesté, la sportive! / Імператриця з коледжу / ยัยตัวแสบแห่งวังจักรพรรดินี / 異世界的野蠻皇后 / 皇后は体育会系!? / 황후궁 체대생
jinyagi / Team Neok Bu Rang
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Action,Adaptation,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Romance
I Got Pregnant With His Majesty's Child -A Biography of Queen Berta- (Official)
Biography of Queen Berta / I Got Pregnant With His Majesty's Child -A Biography of Queen Berta- / Le Coeur et le Devoir (French) / Portrait of Queen Berta - I Accidentally Got Pregnant With His Majesty's Child / Ik werd zwanger van het kind van zijne majesteit - Een biografie van koningin Berta- / Je suis tombée enceinte de l'enfant de Sa Majesté - Biographie de la Reine Berta- / Ich wurde mit dem Kind Seiner Majestät schwanger - Eine Biographie von Königin Berta. / Saya Hamil dengan Anak Yang Mulia -Sebuah Biografi Ratu Berta- / Я забеременела ребенком Его Величества - биография королевы Берты / Me quedé embarazada de su majestad -Biografía de la reina Berta- / Ukkari Heika no Ko wo Ninshin Shite Shimaimashita - Ouhi Berta no Shouzou / うっかり陛下の子を妊娠してしまいました / うっかり陛下の子を妊娠してしまいました~王妃ベルタの肖像~
Nishino Himawari / Tanaka Aya
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,Royal family,Royalty
My Beloved Ajeossi
Chú Hàng Xóm Thân Yêu / Dear Sir / Mi amado Ahjussi / Mi Amado Señor / My Ahjussi / My Beloved Uncle / Srangman / Ông Chú Thân Yêu / 사랑하는 우리 아저씨
Blue Jelly
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Bara(ML),Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Age Gap,Drama,Romance
Now, I am Demon King's Wife
Now, I am Demon King's Wife / Maintenant je suis l'épouse du Roi des démons / Ahora, soy la esposa del rey demonio
🇬🇧Webtoon,Adult,Mature,Smut,Demons,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance
🇮🇩Kanjeng Rian pengen hidup sehat dan bahagia [Cherry] DROP
I Dream of Health, Wealth, and a Long Life / The Goal Is to Become a Gold Spoon so I Need to Be Completely Invulnerable / My Goal Is to Live a Long, Healthy Life as a Golden Spoon / Mogpyoneun geumsujeolo mubyeongjangsuhagiibnida / Золотая ложка судьбы: Миссия выживание / Моя цель состоит в том, чтобы прожить свою жизнь с золотой ложкой! / 목표는 금수저로 무병장수하기입니다 / Tujuanku adalah Hidup Lama sebagai Orang Kaya
Cheong song-a / Nam sarang / Yoshua / Galaxyjellyfish
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Magic,Romance
Your Smile Is A Trap
너의 미소가 함정 / Senyummu adalah Jebakan / Your Smile Is A Trap
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Full Color,Romance,School Life
🇮🇩Taman Bunga Merah (by KimBora)
The Garden of Red Flowers, Bulgeun Kkochui Jeongwon, 붉은 꽃의 정원
Maru (마루)
🇫🇷Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki
Aún Así te Sigo Amando / それでも僕は君が好き / 即使如此我还是喜欢你 / But, even so, I love you still. / Et pourtant, je t'aime / Forget me not / Kahit na, Mahal pa rin kita / Meski begitu, Aku masih mencintaimu. / Mesmo assim, eu ainda te amo
suu itin / emoto nao
Shounen(B),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Sekai Lover's School Life Project
Kehidupan Sekolah , Sekai Lover's
Athanasia Rain /
Shounen(B),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Kisah cinta badut dan putri raja (by KimBora)
The Tears of a Jester, 어릿광대의 우울
🇧🇷Yuusha ga Shinda! Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka.
勇者が死んだ! 村人の俺が掘った落とし穴に勇者が落ちた結果。 / 勇者死了!是因为勇者掉进了作为村民的我挖的陷阱里 / Pahlawan telah Mati! Gara-gara Masuk ke Lubang Jebakan yang dibuat Petani. / The Hero is Dead! The Hero Fell into the Trap that a Villager Dug for the Village.
🇮🇩The Problem of My Love Affair
Masalah Asmaraku / My amatorius problem / Nae yeonaeui munjejeom / 내 연애의 문제점
Heo Yunhwa / King D
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Office Workers,Romance
Shaman King 0 (Official)
Jehovah / Shaman King Zero / Yahabe / シャーマンキング0─zero─ / ヤハべえ
Hiroyuki Takei
🇪🇸Ao Haru Ride
A un Passo da Te / Aoharaido / アオハライド / Blue Spring Ride / Mavi Bahar Yolculuğu / نزهة الربيع الأزرق / Viaje primaverazul
sakisaka io
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
🇫🇷Jekyll de Hyde na Kare
加倍的爱情激素 / ジキルでハイドな彼 / Himitsu No Houkago / Jikiru de Haido na Kare / Koi No Mahou, Nashi No Yume
miura hiraku
Yuusha ga Shinda! Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka.
勇者が死んだ! 村人の俺が掘った落とし穴に勇者が落ちた結果。 / 勇者死了!是因为勇者掉进了作为村民的我挖的陷阱里 / Pahlawan telah Mati! Gara-gara Masuk ke Lubang Jebakan yang dibuat Petani. / The Hero is Dead! The Hero Fell into the Trap that a Villager Dug for the Village.
The Baby Project
Mawar Merah Penghapus Luka Hati / Baby In The Boardroom #1 - The Baby Project / Shitsuren no Akai
Susan Meier / Keiko Kishimoto
🇮🇩Aku dan Pernikahan Palsu
Judul bahasa Korea asli: 이건 명백한 사기결혼이다 / Judul bahasa Indonesia: Aku dan Pernikahan Palsu / Judul bahasa Inggris: I Was Tricked into this Fake Marriage! (resmi), This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage (tidak resmi) / Judul bahasa Cina: 骗婚也要得到 / Judul bahasa Jepang: これはまぎれもない結婚詐欺ですっ!
Bak Hedam / Pear Juice; Jade
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Fantasy,Historical,Isekai,Romance,Time Travel
🇮🇩Putri rambut hitam dan Pangeran karamel
Judul bahasa Korea asli: 검은머리 황녀님 / Judul bahasa Indonesia: A Royal Princess With Black Hair / Judul bahasa Inggris: A Royal Princess With Black Hair / Judul bahasa Cina: 我才不嫁皇太子! / Judul bahasa Jepang: 黒髪皇女は離婚したい / Judul bahasa Prancis: Royale Rébellion
Ellianyang (엘리아냥) / Pang-e (팡이)
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,Royal family
🇵🇹Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki
Aún Así te Sigo Amando / それでも僕は君が好き / 即使如此我还是喜欢你 / But, even so, I love you still. / Et pourtant, je t'aime / Forget me not / Kahit na, Mahal pa rin kita / Meski begitu, Aku masih mencintaimu. / Mesmo assim, eu ainda te amo
suu itin / emoto nao
Shounen(B),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
You are My Everything
니가 세상의 전부다 / All of You in the World / Em là tất cả(vietnamese) / Tu Esti Totul Pentru Mine (Romaneste) / Jesteś dla mnie wszystkim (Polish) / Ikaw ang Lahat sa Akin (Filipino)
hwang mi ri
🇮🇩Kisah Menjadi Idola Baru (Official)
星梦偶像计划 / Xing Meng Ou Xiang Ji Hua / Project StarDream / Star Dream Idol Project
DaJiaoChong / YanTou
🇨🇳Manhua,Shoujo(G),Drama,Music,Romance,School Life
🇮🇩Terjebak Pernikahan Palsu (Official)
Judul bahasa Korea asli: 그놈의 스캔들 / Judul bahasa Indonesia: Terjebak Pernikahan Palsu / Judul bahasa Inggris: His Scandal
동남 / 하나
Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Full Color,Romance
Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki
Aún Así te Sigo Amando / それでも僕は君が好き / 即使如此我还是喜欢你 / But, even so, I love you still. / Et pourtant, je t'aime / Forget me not / Kahit na, Mahal pa rin kita / Meski begitu, Aku masih mencintaimu. / Mesmo assim, eu ainda te amo
suu itin / emoto nao
Shounen(B),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
🇪🇸Mahou Shoujo Tart★Magica: The Legend of Jeanne d'Arc
Mahou Shoujo Tart Magica - The Legend of "Jeanne d'Arc" / Mahou Shoujo Tart★Magica: La Leyenda de "Jeanne d'Arc" / Puella Magi Tart Magica: The Legend of Jeanne d'Arc
magica quartet / kawazuuku / masugitsune
🇮🇳The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life
Swargiya danav sadharan zindagi nahi jee sakta
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Action,Fantasy,Full Color,Martial Arts,Reincarnation
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