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🇧🇷Kamisama Hajimemashita
Ciuman Dewa / Divine Nanami / Jak zostałam bóstwem?! / Kami-sama Hajimemashita / Kamisama Kiss / Nice to Meet You, Kamisama / Tanrılık Görevine Başladım / 元气少女缘结神 / 神様はじめました / 见习元气女神
SUZUKI Julietta
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
🇵🇹Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki
Aún Así te Sigo Amando / それでも僕は君が好き / 即使如此我还是喜欢你 / But, even so, I love you still. / Et pourtant, je t'aime / Forget me not / Kahit na, Mahal pa rin kita / Meski begitu, Aku masih mencintaimu. / Mesmo assim, eu ainda te amo
suu itin / emoto nao
Shounen(B),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Kyuukyoku Choujin R
Kyukyoku Chojin R / Kyuukyoku Choujin A-ru / R the Ultimate Superman / The Ulitmate Superbeing R
yuuki masami
Shounen(B),Comedy,Mecha,School Life
Toumei Ningen Kyoutei
透明人間↑↓協定 / The Invisible Man ↑↓ Consensus
katsu aki
🇫🇷Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
神さまのいない日曜日 / 神不在的星期天 / Kamisamano Inai Nichiyoubi / The Sunday without God / 没有神的星期天
irie kimihito / abara heiki
The Devil Mansion's Teacher
悪魔屋敷の教育係 / Akuma Yashiki no Kyouikugakari
houjou yutori / mochizuki kako
Annyui na Kanojo
女孩別烦恼 / アンニュイな彼女 / Ennui na Kanojo / Girl, Don't Worry / Romance of Herself / Small Adult / You Are In My Heart
yamanaka riko
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai
ليس ليوغامي-كن أي صديق / Yugami -κουν δεν έχει φίλους / Yugami-kan não tem nenhum amigo / Yugami-kun Doesn't Have Any Friends / Yugami-kun não tem amigos / Yugami-kun tidak punya teman / Yugami-kun'un Hiç Arkadaşı Yok / 湯神くんには友達がいない
sakura jun
Shounen(B),Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life,Sports
🇵🇹Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi
神さまのいない日曜日 / 神不在的星期天 / Kamisamano Inai Nichiyoubi / The Sunday without God / 没有神的星期天
irie kimihito / abara heiki
Yowaito Nikki
Diary of a Drunk Man / 酔人日記
takayanagi sankusu
🇷🇺Fukumoto Nobuyuki's Oneshot Collections
Ano Hito no Trumpet / 福本伸行自薦短編集 1 / 福本伸行自薦短編集 1 - あの人のトランペット / 福本伸行自薦短編集 2 / 福本伸行自薦短編集 2 - 星降る夜に / 福本伸行自薦短編集 3 / 福本伸行自薦短編集 3 - 前へ···!! / Fukumoto Nobuyuki's Oneshot Collection 1 / Fukumoto Nobuyuki's Oneshot Collection 2 / Fukumoto Nobuyuki's Oneshot Collection 3 / Hoshi Furu Yoru ni / That Man's Trumpet / The Night the Stars Fall / 星降る夜に / В звёздную ночь
fukumoto nobuyuki
🇪🇸Youkai Shoujo - Monsuga
妖怪少女─モンスガ─ / Gadis Siluman - Monsuga / Garota Monstro / 요괴 소녀 ─ 몬스가 ─ / Monster Girl
funatsu kazuki
🇹🇷Kanojo o Mamoru 51 no Houhou
51 Ways to Save Girlfriend / 守護她的51種方法 / 彼女を守る51の方法 / Kanojo wo Mamoru 51 no Houhou / Kız Arkadaşımı Kurtarmanın 51 Yolu
furuya usamaru
The Sleepy Residents of Birdcage Manor
鳥籠荘の今日も眠たい住人たち / The Sleepy Residents of Birdcage Manor / مقيمون قصر بردكيج النعساء / Welcome to Hotel Williams Child Bird (Official) / Torikagoshou no Kyou mo Nemutai Juunintachi
kabei yukako / takarai rihito
Shoujo(G),Gender Bender,Mystery,Romance,Slice of Life
Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko
血潜り林檎と金魚鉢男 / 潜血者林檎和金鱼缸男 / Blood Diver Ringo and the Goldfish Bowl Man
abe youichi
Yoroshiku Master
Amai Kamiato / 主人-請多指教! / エデンの扉 / よろしくマスター / よろしく・マスター / 甘い咬みあと / Eden no Tobira / Hello Master / Sweet After Bites / Sweet Bite Mark / Sweet Santa! (Germany) / 我的主人請多指教
tsukuba sakura
Zoku Kindan no Koi wo Shiyou
Lets Have Forbidden Romance / continued
oomi, tomu (story & art)
Shin Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko
阿部洋一「新・血潜り林檎と金魚鉢男」 / New Blood Diver Ringo and the Fishbowl Man / New Chimoguri Ringo and the Goldfish Bowl Man
abe youichi
Gyagu Manga Biyori
ギャグマンガ日和 / 増田こうすけ劇場 ギャグマンガ日和 / 搞笑漫画日和 / Gag Manga Biyori
masuda kousuke
🇪🇸Yasaotoko to Sadistic
優男とサディスティック / Gentleman and Sadistic / I Love You Until the End of the World / Inu to Kamisama / Konoyo no Hate made I love You / Seesaw Game
Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Drama
Kare ga Shoujo wo Yomuriyuu
彼が少女漫画を詠む理由。 / 看少女漫画的理由 / Kare ga Shoujo manga o Yomu Riyuu / Kare ga Shoujo Manga wo Yomu Riyuu / Why the Boy Reads Shoujo Manga
hattori miki
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Tokyo Ghoul dj - Natsuiro Renbo
東京喰種 dj - 夏色恋慕 / Tokyo Ghoul dj - Summer Romance
tunakan (kamogawa)
🇪🇸9 Faces of Love
7 Love-Related Stories / A Cold / A Flying Lesson / A Short Game about a Change Encounter / Automation / Belives Ye Your Eyes? / 사랑에 관한 7가지 이야기 / 사랑에 관한 7가지 이야기 / Leucadian / Manhwa Novella Collection v.2 / Mint Flavor / Purple Eyes (Wann) / Return of Princess Rouana / Sa-rang-é Gwan-han Il-gop-ga-ji I-ya-gi
Shoujo(G),Shoujo ai,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,Sci-Fi,Supernatural,Tragedy
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. -Monologue-
やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている -妄言錄- / My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong as I Expected / Sudah Kuduga, Kisah Komedi Romantis Remajaku Memang Salah Kaprah -Monolog= / 我的青春恋爱物语果然有问题 -妄言录- / 我的青春戀愛物語果然有問題 -妄言錄-
Watari Wataru / KAZUKI Reichi
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
🇪🇸Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN! / 家庭教师 REBORN ! / ครูพิเศษจอมป่วน รีบอร์น! / 가정교사 히트맨 리본! / Hitman Reborn! / Home Tutor Hitman Reborn! / Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! / Katekyou Hitman Reborn! / KHR! / Reborn! / ريبورن!
amano akira
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts,School Life,Supernatural
🇮🇹Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. -Monologue-
やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている -妄言錄- / My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong as I Expected / Sudah Kuduga, Kisah Komedi Romantis Remajaku Memang Salah Kaprah -Monolog= / 我的青春恋爱物语果然有问题 -妄言录- / 我的青春戀愛物語果然有問題 -妄言錄-
watari wataru / kazuki reichi
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Ginzatoushi to Kuro no Yousei - Sugar Apple Fairytale
銀砂糖師と黒の妖精 〜シュガーアップル・フェアリーテイル〜 / 银砂糖师与黑之妖精 / Ginzatoushi to Kuro no Yousei / Sugar Apple Fairy Tale / The Silver Sugar Craftswoman and the Black Fairy
mikawa miri / yukimura alto
Seishun Kouryakuhon
Manual to Teenage Life / Seishun Kouryaku-bon / Youth Strategy Guide
akizuki sorata
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Mede Shireru Yoru no Junjou
愛で痴れる夜の純情 / 愛で痴れる夜の純情 ~禿偏~ / 吉原春宵艳史 / Me de Shireru Yoru no Junjou / Me de Shireru Yoru no Junjou ~Toku Hen~ / Kimono Boys [german]
suzuki ami / itsuki kaname
Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Drama,Historical,Romance
Microman (Moritou Yoshihiro)
Chisana Kyojin Mikuroman / Micronauts / Small Giant Microman / Tiny Titan Microman
moritou yoshihiro / hibiki wataru
🇮🇹Akatsuki no Yona
새벽의 연화 / يونا فتاة الفجر / یونا دختر سپیده دم / Yona - Prinzessin der Morgendämmerung / Yona en el amanecer / Yona of the Dawn / 暁のヨナ / 拂晓的尤娜 / 晨曦公主 / Иона на Заре
kusanagi mizuho
Beyond the Beyond
Futabas (höchst) seltsame Reise (German) その向こうの向こう側 (Sono Mukou no Mukougawa) Отвъд Отвъдното ( bulgarian )
watanabe yoshitomo
Cinderella Fella
Cinderella Boy (KIM Hee Kyoung) / Cinderella Man (KIM Hee Kyoung) / 신데렐라 맨
kim hee-kyoung
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Inu mo Arukeba Fallin' Love
犬も歩けばフォーリンラブ / If Dogs Could Also Walk / Inu mo Akurekeba / Kingyou Hime / Man's Best Friend - Inu mo Akurekeba
takashima kazusa
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