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Seorang Anak Tanpa Payung ❬SSUNFLO❭

🇮🇩Seorang Anak Tanpa Payung ❬SSUNFLO❭

우산 없는 애 / The Kid Without Umbrella
Chapter 6
Jikuu Ihoujin KYOKO

Jikuu Ihoujin KYOKO

Công Chúa Hành Tinh / Time Stranger Kyoko / 時空異邦人KYOKO
tanemura arina
Volume 3 Chapter 14
Touhou Sangetsusei: Strange and Bright Nature Deity

Touhou Sangetsusei: Strange and Bright Nature Deity

東方三月精 Strange and Bright Nature Deity
zun / hirasaka makoto
Chapter 25
Aku terkena Penyakit Perubahan Gender

🇮🇩Aku terkena Penyakit Perubahan Gender

Bishoujo Ni Natta Kedo, Netoge Haijin Yattemasu / I've turned into a bishoujo, but I chose to be a net-game addict! / 美少女になったけど、ネトゲ廃人やってます / Saya telah berubah menjadi seorang bishoujo, tetapi saya memilih untuk menjadi pecandu net-
Ponpon Hoshikuzu / Mizuno Sen
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Genderswap,Video Games,Virtual Reality
Chapter 6.1
Time Stranger Kyoko

Time Stranger Kyoko

タイムストレンジャーキョーコ / タイムストレンジャーKYOKO / 時空異邦人 / 時空異邦人KYOKO / Jikuu Ihoujin Kyoko
tanemura arina
Dad Asked Me To Choose One Of Ten Goddesses To Marry

🇮🇩Dad Asked Me To Choose One Of Ten Goddesses To Marry

Dad Asked Me to Choose One of Ten Goddesses to Marry, / Lao Ba Rang Wo Cong Shi Ge Nvshen Zhongxuan Yige Jiehun, / Lǎo Bà Ràng Wǒ Cóng Shí Gè Nǚshén Zhòngxuǎn Yīgè Jiéhūn, / 老爸让我从十个女神中选一个结婚
阅文漫画 / 大行道动漫
Chapter 13
Strange Tales from the Handy Shop Karukaya

Strange Tales from the Handy Shop Karukaya

営繕かるかや怪異譚 / Eizen Karukaya Kaiitan
Katou Kazue / Ono Fuyumi
🇯🇵Manga,Demons,Ghosts,Horror,Slice of Life
Chapter 2
Horikou Hanemono Ranger

Horikou Hanemono Ranger

堀高ハネモノレンジャー / 堀高的不良爱情护卫 / 호리 고교 러브 레인저 / Hori High Hanemono Ranger / Hori High School Hanemono Ranger / Horikou Hanemono Renjaa
hazuki kanae
Josei(W),Romance,School Life
Chapter 4
Isekai Houtei: Rebuttal Barrister

Isekai Houtei: Rebuttal Barrister

Courtroom in another world / the rebutting strange law lawyer
kawamoto homura / ohba kamon
Chapter 6
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo - Tokikake

Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo - Tokikake

時をかける少女 -TOKIKAKE- / La Traversée du Temps / Das Mädchen, das durch die Zeit sprang (german) / The Girl Who Leapt Through Time / Tokikake
tsutsui yasutaka / kotone ranmaru
Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi
Deranged Daddy (OneShot)

Deranged Daddy (OneShot)

Uratani Nagi
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Comedy,Slice of Life
Chapter 1
Ketika Orang Suci yang Kehilangan Keperawanannya Menyentuh Cinta

🇮🇩Ketika Orang Suci yang Kehilangan Keperawanannya Menyentuh Cinta

When A Saint Who Lost Her Virginitiy Touches Love / 純潔を失った聖女が愛に触れたら
Mizuki chiko / Sorajima studio


吶喊SHOUT! / シャウト! / Danchi Rangers
nagata masami
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Kisah Seorang Gadis yang Mudah Terbakar

🇮🇩Kisah Seorang Gadis yang Mudah Terbakar

The Story of a Girl Who Bursts into Flames Quite Easily / すぐに炎上する彼女の話
🇯🇵Oneshot,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
9 Faces of Love

🇪🇸9 Faces of Love

7 Love-Related Stories / A Cold / A Flying Lesson / A Short Game about a Change Encounter / Automation / Belives Ye Your Eyes? / 사랑에 관한 7가지 이야기 / 사랑에 관한 7가지 이야기 / Leucadian / Manhwa Novella Collection v.2 / Mint Flavor / Purple Eyes (Wann) / Return of Princess Rouana / Sa-rang-é Gwan-han Il-gop-ga-ji I-ya-gi
Shoujo(G),Shoujo ai,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,Sci-Fi,Supernatural,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 9
Stranger Who Found Spring

🇮🇹Stranger Who Found Spring

봄을 찾은 이방인
Honey bird / Hodot
🇰🇷Manhwa,Oneshot,Webtoon,Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Omegaverse,Romance,Slice of Life
Orange Chocolate

Orange Chocolate

オレンジチョコレート / 橘子巧克力
yamada nanpei
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance
Chapter 31
No More Money, Please

No More Money, Please

Jintian Kaishi Dang Shoufu / Be Mr. Billionaire From Today / Become Rich Today / Become the Richest Man Today / Jīntiān Kāishǐ Dāng Shǒufù / Menjadi Orang Terkaya Mulai Hari Ini / No Más Dinero, Por Favor / Não Me Dê Mais Dinheiro, Por Favor / Richest Man Starting Today / Starting Today as the Richest Man / Từ Hôm Nay Tôi Là Tỷ Phú / 今天开始当首富 / 오늘부터 FLEX
Chapter 51
Orange Yellow

🇵🇱Orange Yellow

オレンジイエロー / Katakoi Hime / Magical Chocolate / Orange & Yellow / Orange and Yellow / Tear Potion / The Proof of Her Love
otsu hiyori
Shoujo ai,Yuri(GL),School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 6
The man who saved me on my isekai trip was a killer

🇮🇩The man who saved me on my isekai trip was a killer

Pria yang menyelamatkanku di perjalanan isekaiku adalah seorang pembunuh.
Horita ahan
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Manga,Josei(W),Adult,Hentai,Age Gap,Fantasy,Isekai,Romance
Chapter 5
THE iDOLM@STER - Hot Orange Juice (Doujinshi)

THE iDOLM@STER - Hot Orange Juice (Doujinshi)

THE iDOLM@STER dj - Hot Orange Juice / The Idolmaster dj - Hot Orange Juice
yuutousei (pixiv id 171184)
vol.1 ch.0 [Large]
A Saintess Who Was Adopted By The Grand Duke 《Nana_Noona》🍀

🇮🇩A Saintess Who Was Adopted By The Grand Duke 《Nana_Noona》🍀

🇮🇩 A Saint Who Was Adopted By The Grand Duke / 대공가에 입양된 성녀님 / Seorang Saintes Yang Diadopsi Oleh Grand Duke
Hwang Bino / Song Yi-ba


天浪熱戰 / 천랑열전 / Chon Rang Yeol Jeon / Chun Rhang Yhur Jhun / Sirius
park sung woo
Chapter 40
Orange Chocolate

Orange Chocolate

yamada nanpei
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance,Supernatural
Volume 4 Chapter 31
Hakkenden -Touhou Hakken Ibun-

Hakkenden -Touhou Hakken Ibun-

八犬伝 東方八犬異聞 / Bát Khuyển Sĩ Phương Đông / Hakkenden / Hakkenden - Touhou Hakken Ibun / Strange Story of Eight East Dogs
abe miyuki / takizawa bakin
Chapter 25
Frontier Life with a Weird Dragon and an Errand Boy (Official)

Frontier Life with a Weird Dragon and an Errand Boy (Official)

Henna Ryuu to Moto Yuusha Party Zatsuyou-gakari, Shintairiku de Nonbiri Slow Life / The Strange Dragon and the Former Choreman of the Heroes Party, Relaxing Slow Life on the New Continent / 変な竜と元勇者パーティー雑用係、新大陸でのんびりスローライフ
EZO Gingitsune / NANIN
Chapter 22
The Honor Student at Magic High School (Official)

The Honor Student at Magic High School (Official)

Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei / An Honor-Roll Member at the Magic Academy / Büyü Lisesinin Zayıf Öğrencisi / Den lågpresterande eleven i en magiskola / Der schlechte Schüler der Magie-Oberschule / El irregular en la escuela secundaria mágica / Le cancre d'une école de magie / Lo studente mediocre di una scuola superiore di magia / Mahō-ka Kōkō no Yūtōsei / O estudante de baixa performance da escola de magia / Orang Abnormal di SMA Sihir / Sang Lemah Sekolah Tinggi Magik / The Irregular at Magic High School / The Poor Performing Student of a Magic High School / Нездара в старшій школі магії / Посредственный ученик магической старшей школы / Почетная ученица в школе магии / التلميذ المتخلف في ثانوية السحر / พี่น้องปริศนาโรงเรียนมหาเวทย์ / 魔校劣徒 / 魔法科高中个劣等生 / 魔法科高中的优等生 / 魔法科高中的優等生 / 魔法科高中的劣等生 / 魔法科高校の優等生 / 魔法科高校的优等生 / 마법과고교의 열등생
SATOU Tsutomu / MORI Yu
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Magic,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Mousou Shoujo Otakukei

Mousou Shoujo Otakukei

It’s a shoujo-style romantic comedy about a quadrangle of two fujoshi (i.e. 妄想少女オタク系 / Fujoshi Rumi / Mousou Shoujo Otaku Kei / 妄想少女御宅系
konjoh natsumi
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 51
Touhou Sangatsusei

Touhou Sangatsusei

東方三月精 / Eastern and Little Nature Deity / Strange and Bright Nature Deity / Oriental Sacred Place
zun / matsukura nemu / hirasaka makoto
Fantasy,Slice of Life
Volume 3 Chapter 25
Nagabe Tanpenshuu: Henteko na Ai

🇭🇺Nagabe Tanpenshuu: Henteko na Ai

Contes de Nagabé: L'amour bizzare / Historias cortas de Nagabe. Amores insólitos / L'amore è una questione diversa / Love on the Other Side: A Nagabe Short Story Collection / Nagabe Collection: Strange Loves / Nagabe Short Stories - Haunted Love / Nagabe Tanpen-shuu - Henteko na Ai / ながべ短編集-ヘンテコな愛- / 나가베 단편집 -이상한 사랑-
Manga,Josei(W),Fantasy,Mystery,Psychological,Slice of Life,Supernatural
ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛ ʙʟ ᴀɴᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢʏ - ᴇʀᴏᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴏʏ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ { MOUCHI }

🇮🇩ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛ ʙʟ ᴀɴᴛʜᴏʟᴏɢʏ - ᴇʀᴏᴛɪᴄ ᴛᴏʏ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ { MOUCHI }

erotic toy attack / adult bl anthology / serangan mainan erotis
nire / dasik / yuje / chaegu / comello
Chapter 12
Touhou Sangetsusei Strange And Bright Nature Deity

Touhou Sangetsusei Strange And Bright Nature Deity

東方三月精 Strange and Bright Nature Deity / Touhou Sangetsusei - Strange and Bright Nature Deity
zun / hirasaka makoto
Chapter 25
Hen na Ryuu to Moto Yuusha Party Zatsuyougakari, Shintairiku de Nonbiri Slow Life

Hen na Ryuu to Moto Yuusha Party Zatsuyougakari, Shintairiku de Nonbiri Slow Life

The Strange Dragon and the Former Choreman of the Heroes Party, Relaxing Slow Life on the New Continent
えぞぎんぎつね(GAノベル/SBクリエイティブ刊) / ナニン(FANFAN COMIC)
Sebuah Kisah Tentang Seorang Gadis yang Cemburu pada Boneka Binatang

🇮🇩Sebuah Kisah Tentang Seorang Gadis yang Cemburu pada Boneka Binatang

A Story About a Girl Who Gets Jealous of Stuffed Animals
Anzo Kunko
Aku Melihat Si Cantik yang Terkenal Sebagai "Tembok Besi" Diam-diam Berkencan dengan Seseorang

🇮🇩Aku Melihat Si Cantik yang Terkenal Sebagai "Tembok Besi" Diam-diam Berkencan dengan Seseorang

Teppeki no Mamori de Yuumei na Cool Bishoujo ga Kage de Otsukiai Shiteiru no o Mokugeki Shite Shimatta / I Saw the Cool Beauty Famous for Being an Iron Wall Secretly Going Out with Someone / 鉄壁の守りで有名なクール美少女が影でお付き合いしているのを目撃してしまった
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shoujo ai,Yuri(GL),Girls,School Life,Slice of Life
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