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My Yandere Girlfriend Won't Let Me Rest in Peace

My Yandere Girlfriend Won't Let Me Rest in Peace

My Yandere Girlfriend Won't Let Me Sleep / Yandere Kanojo ni Nemurasete Moraenai Hanashi / ヤンデレ彼女に眠らせてもらえない話
Chapter 35
Cincin yang rusak

🇮🇩Cincin yang rusak

The broken ring, this marriage will fail anyway, pernikahan, cincin, pernikahan yang mungkin akan gagal, nikah, cincin rusak.
Chokam, kimchacha / Cheong-gwa
Chapter 2
Himouto! Umaru-chan

Himouto! Umaru-chan

干物妹!うまるちゃん / 干物妹(ひもうと)!うまるちゃん / Himouto! Umaru-tyan / Himouto! Umarutyan
sankaku head
Chapter 183
IS - Otoko demo Onna demo Nai Sei

🇹🇷IS - Otoko demo Onna demo Nai Sei

Ai-esu / Aiesu / I S / I S〜男でも女でもない性〜 / I.S / I.S. / Inter Sexuality / Interseks: Erkek veya Kadın Olmayan / Intersexuality / IS (ROKUHANA Chiyo) / IS - The Gender that is Neither Male nor Female / IS上帝的恶作剧 / Otoko de mo onna de mo nai sei / Otoko demo onna demo nai sei / Интерсексуальность
rokuhana chiyo
Josei(W),Drama,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life
Chapter 2


めがねーちゃん / Megane-Chyan
watashiya kaworu
Chapter 9
Kitsune no Oyome-chan

Kitsune no Oyome-chan

Kitsune no Oyomecyan / Kitsune No Yomechan / The Fox Girl's is My Wife / 狐のお嫁ちゃん
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Ecchi,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 14
I Want to Marry Someone Stronger Than Me

I Want to Marry Someone Stronger Than Me

私より強い男と結婚したいの / Watashi Yori Tsuyoi Otoko to Kekkon Shitai no / Aku Ingin Menikah dengan Lelaki yang Lebih Kuat Dariku
Takahashi Bisui / Yui Daisuke
🇯🇵Manga,Adaptation,Comedy,Delinquents,Romance,School Life
Chapter 1.2
Hana Yanagi

Hana Yanagi

asami iruka
Chapter 1
A Story About Smoking at the Back of the Supermarket

A Story About Smoking at the Back of the Supermarket

Super no Ura de Yani Suu Hanashi / スーパーの裏でヤニ吸う話
Chapter 20
Obaka-chan, Koigatariki

Obaka-chan, Koigatariki

おバカちゃん、恋語りき / Obaka-chan, Koikatariki / Obaka-chan - A fool for Love / Dear Miss Fool, Searching for Love? / Searching for Love, Miss Fool? / Sevgili Bayan aptal,Aşk mı Arıyor? / غبية - شان,تبحث عن الحب. (Arabic) / 바보사랑 이야기 / Cô ngốc đi tìm yêu thương / รักบ๊องๆ ของยัยจอมป่วน / 傻瓜 恋爱物语 / 小傻瓜戀物語 / 笨蛋小姐,在找爱情吗? / 笨蛋小姐,在找愛情嗎? (Chinese) / Kjære frøken dust, leter du etter kjærlighet?(Norwegian) / Miela panele kvaile, ieškote meilės? (Lithuanian) / Domnișoară naivitate, în căutare de iubire? (Romanian)
sato zakuri
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Volume 3 Chapter 38
A Story About Wanting To Commit Suicide, But It's Scary So I Find A Yandere Girl To Kill Me, But It Doesn't Work

A Story About Wanting To Commit Suicide, But It's Scary So I Find A Yandere Girl To Kill Me, But It Doesn't Work

Jisatsu Shitai kedo Sore wa Chotto Kowaii kara Yandere Kanojo wo Tsukutte Kanojo ni Koroshite Moraou to Suru kedo Nakanaka Umakuikanai Hanashi / 自殺したいけどそれはちょっと怖いからヤンデレ彼女を作って彼女に殺してもらおうとするけどなかなかうまくいかない話
Chapter 55
Berlari di Tepi Pemusnahan

🇮🇩Berlari di Tepi Pemusnahan

Riding On The Edge Of Annihilation / Galloping on The Edge of Annihilation / Chicheng Zai Yanmie Bianyuan / Chíchěng zài yānmiè biānyuán / 驰骋在湮灭边缘
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen(B),Action,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Monsters,Mystery,Supernatural,Survival,Thriller
Chapter 2
Halo, My Poppy Puppy

🇮🇩Halo, My Poppy Puppy

Konnichiwa, Watashi no O-Chibi-chan Mon petit lapinou, こんにちは、私のおチビちゃん, 안녕, 내 똥강아지, Dear My Hunny Bunny, Kelinci Kesayanganku
Lee Min Young / Raccoon
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Fantasy,Full Color,Romance
Chapter 60
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid

Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid

Death Boy and Black Maid / Le duc de la Mort et sa gouvernante obscure / Sang Bendoro Maut dan Si Dayang Kelam-nya / The Duke of Death and His Black Maid / النبيل الشاب حاصد الأرواح و خادمته السوداء / 死神坊ちゃんと黒メイド / 死神少爷与黑女仆 / 사신 도련님과 검은 메이드
Inoue Koharu
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Mystery,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Chapter 169
Cita-cita Jadi Pak Kades

🇮🇩Cita-cita Jadi Pak Kades

Komik Naruto Berwarna / PERHATIAN : Terjemahan manga ini tidak 100% benar, Pengambilan terjemahan dari 2 versi Official hitam putih dan manga versi berwarna, pengerjaan terjemahan manga ini mengandung kosa-kata Inggris yang agaknya sulit dimengerti, jadi mohon maaf kalau hasil terjemahan Indonesianya ada yang membingungkan. Dan karena panel Manga lebih padat, detail dan bertumpuk jadi lebih rumit untuk proses cleansing terutama untuk Onomatope jadi translating lebih memakan waktu lama. Jadi tetap baca versi official ya!!
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Ninja
Oniichan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no

🇪🇸Oniichan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no

お兄ちゃんのことが好きすぎてにゃんにゃんしたいブラコン妹だけど素直になれないの / 对哥哥喜欢到不行很想和他要好的兄控妹妹却无法表现得诚实 / แม้จะรักพี่ชายสุดหัวใจแต่ก็พูดออกไปไม่ได้เลยกลายเป็นแมวซะงั้น / I'm a Brocon Little Sister That Loves Big Brother Too Much and Wants To Do "NyanNyan" But I Can't Be Honest / NyanBura / Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no / OniiNyan
ooha maiko
Chapter 3
Makan mimpi buruk ayank S2 [Hanako~]

🇮🇩Makan mimpi buruk ayank S2 [Hanako~]

폭군의 흑화를 막는 법 / 怎样阻止皇帝的黑化 / preventing the making of tyrant
Han yeoon / Iro / Yul
🇰🇷Manhwa,Historical,Magic,Romance,Time Travel
Chapter 54
Wanita Yang Ingin Rebahan

🇮🇩Wanita Yang Ingin Rebahan

The Lady Want To Rest
Ch. 15
Yankee-kun to Megane-chan

Yankee-kun to Megane-chan

Yankee-kun to Megane-chan / Yankii-kun to Megane-chan / The Yankee Boy and Glasses Girl / Flunk Punk Rumble
yoshikawa, miki (story & art)
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 212
[DROP] Penjahat Yang Dicemooh  Bertahan 🌴[By Hiu]

🇮🇩[DROP] Penjahat Yang Dicemooh Bertahan 🌴[By Hiu]

Chapter 1
Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan

Yankee JK Kuzuhana-chan

Yankee High School Girl KuzuHana-chan / ヤンキーJKクズハナちゃん
sogabe toshinori / yankee jk kuzuhana-chan 4
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Smut,Action,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 26
Oniichan wa Boku ga Katte Ageru

Oniichan wa Boku ga Katte Ageru

お兄ちゃんは僕が飼ってあげる / oniityanha bokuga katteageru
Haruka Hano / Harua Hano
🇯🇵Doujinshi,Age Gap,Incest,Psychological,Romance,School Life
Kisah Tentang Murid Teladan yang Hanya Bersikap Buruk pada Gurunya

🇮🇩Kisah Tentang Murid Teladan yang Hanya Bersikap Buruk pada Gurunya

Story About a Good Honour Student Who’s Only Bad to Her Teacher / いい子な優等生が先生にだけ悪い子な話
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
San Yan Xiao Tian Lu

San Yan Xiao Tian Lu

三眼哮天录 / In three eyes the deified / Tam Nhãn Hao Thiên Lục
xi yue / liu sa
Shoujo(G),Shounen ai,Action,Comedy,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 56
Chou Onna Kirai na Ore ga Isekai no Joshikou ni Ryuugaku Suru Koto ni Natta.

🇮🇩Chou Onna Kirai na Ore ga Isekai no Joshikou ni Ryuugaku Suru Koto ni Natta.

Aku yang Sangat Membenci Wanita, Pindahan ke Sekolah Khusus Wanita di Isekai
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,School Life
Chapter 8
Penjahat yang Bertahan Hidup di Hutan Belantara [Runaaa]

🇮🇩Penjahat yang Bertahan Hidup di Hutan Belantara [Runaaa]

The Scorned Villainess Survives in the Wilderness / 婚約を破棄された悪役令嬢は荒野に生きる。 / 慘遭退婚的反派千金轉身為荒野當家。 / ชีวิต Slow life ในดินแดนรกร้างของคุณหนูตัวร้าย / Kon'yaku o Haki sa Reta Akuyaku Reijou wa Kouya ni Ikiru / La villaine méprisée survit malgré tout
Ann Yoshi / Nakano Ruri / Sorajima Studio
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation
A Story About a Man and a Woman and When They Sleep Together, Money Appears out of Nowhere - Extras

A Story About a Man and a Woman and When They Sleep Together, Money Appears out of Nowhere - Extras

Câu chuyện về một cặp đôi khi ngủ với nhau, tiền rơi từ trên trời rơi xuống / イチャイチャするとお金が湧いちゃう男女の話 番外編 / Ichaicha Suruto Okane ga Wai Chau Danjo no Hanashi / Cerita tentang seorang pria dan seorang wanita yang saat "bermesraan" uang muncul entah darimana
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Chapter 9


はねバド! / Hanebado! The Badminton Of Ayano Hanesaki
hamada kosuke
Seinen(M),Comedy,School Life,Sports
Chapter 5
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean

ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 / ストーンオーシャン / JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken / JoJo'nun Acayip Macerası Bölüm 6: Taş Okyanus / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean / Las Extravagantes Aventuras de JoJo: Stone Ocean / Sutōn Ōshan
Araki Hirohiko
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Horror,Super Power,Supernatural
Oniichan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no

Oniichan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no

お兄ちゃんのことが好きすぎてにゃんにゃんしたいブラコン妹だけど素 / 对哥哥喜欢到不行很想和他要好的兄控妹妹却无法表现得诚实 / Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no
ooha maiko
Chapter 14
Yankee JK KuzuHana-chan

🇪🇸Yankee JK KuzuHana-chan

Sogabe Toshinori
Volume 1 Chapter 10


Fatal Scents,
🇨🇳Manhua,Webtoon,Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Drama,Omegaverse,Psychological,Romance
Episode 6


Everlasting Love💞 cezs, chuí ěr zhí shì, Deacon Lop, 垂耳执事, Lop-Eared Guard
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen ai,Yaoi(BL),Drama,Full Color,Omegaverse,Romance
Chapter 80
My messy marriage

🇮🇩My messy marriage

Pernikahanku yang Berantakan/ 내겐 너무 소란한 결혼
Noh Seung-ah / L-Force
Chapter 7
Oniichan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no

Oniichan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no

お兄ちゃんのことが好きすぎてにゃんにゃんしたいブラコン妹だけど素直になれないの / 对哥哥喜欢到不行很想和他要好的兄控妹妹却无法表现得诚实 / แม้จะรักพี่ชายสุดหัวใจแต่ก็พูดออกไปไม่ได้เลยกลายเป็นแมวซะงั้น / I'm a Brocon Little Sister That Loves Big Brother Too Much and Wants To Do "NyanNyan" But I Can't Be Honest / NyanBura / Onii-chan no Koto ga Suki Sugite Nyan Nyan Shitai Burakon Imouto dakedo Sunao ni Narenai no / OniiNyan
ooha maiko
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Perjalanan Saint yang Terdampar di Isekai Memanggil Mobil Kemping dengan Skill Tersembunyi

🇮🇩Perjalanan Saint yang Terdampar di Isekai Memanggil Mobil Kemping dengan Skill Tersembunyi

The Forsaken Saintess and Her Foodie Roadtrip in Another World / 捨てられ聖女の異世界ごはん旅 / 捨てられ聖女の異世界ごはん旅 隠れスキルでキャンピングカーを召喚しました / Suterare Seijo no Isekai Gohantabi: Kakure Sukiru de Camping Car wo Shoukan Shimashita / Perjalanan Saint yang Terdampar di Isekai Memanggil Mobil Kemping dengan Skill Tersembunyi
Yoneori / Kogami nana
Chapter 1.1
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