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Reborn as the Protagonists' Daughter
I Am the Male Lead's Child / I am the Main Character's Child / I Was Born as the Lead Characters' Child / I'm the Main Characters' Child / Nací como la hija de los protagonistas / メインキャラの娘になりました / 穿越成男主角的女儿?! / 주인공들의 아이로 태어났다
doyosay / J.Nabia / Mito
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Reincarnation,Romance
Final Boss Fake-out: The Protagonist Thinks He Killed Me So Now I'm Free! (Official)
Final Boss Fake-out: The Protagonist Thinks He Killed Me So Now I'm Free! / I Tried to Stop Being the Last Boss ~I Pretended to be Defeated by the Main Character and Tried to Live Freely~ / Last Boss, Yametemita - Shujinkou ni Taosareta Furi Shite Jiyuu ni Ikitemita / Last Boss, Yametemita ~Shujinkou ni Taosareta Furi Shite Jiyuu ni Ikitemita~ / Фейк-аут финального босса: Протагонист думает, что убил меня, и теперь я свободен! / Final Boss Fake-out : Le Protagoniste pense qu'il m'a tué donc maintenant je suis libre ! / Endgegner-Täuschung: Der Protagonist denkt, dass er mich getötet hat, also bin ich jetzt frei! / Fake-out del jefe final: ¡El protagonista cree que me ha matado y ahora soy libre! / ラスボス、やめてみた ~主人公に倒されたふりして自由に生きてみた~ / 라스트 보스, 그만둬 보았다
Sakaki Mochimaru / Namiki Tsukiyama
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Fantasy,Game,Isekai,Magic,Monsters,Reincarnation,Transmigration,Video Games
An Old Bottom wants to be loved -Obsessive sex with a younger doggy (Official)
An Old Bottom wants to be loved -Obsessive sex with a younger doggy / Aisaretagari no Mesu Oji-san - Toshishita Wanko no Shuuchaku Sex / 愛されたがりのメスおじさん~年下わんこの執着セックス / 사랑받고 싶은 아저씨
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Age Gap,Romance
🇮🇩I Am the Male Lead Ex-Girlfriend (Official)
I Was The Male Lead's Ex / 나는 남주의 전 여친이었다 / Soy la ex novia del protagonista / 我是男主的前女友
Bae hee jin / Foalca / Taeja
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reverse Harem,Romance
If You Remove the Kind Protagonist’s Mask
상냥한 남자주인공의 가면을 벗기면
Gong Il / Yeolha / Anto
Off Stage [Official]
OFF STAGE (오프 스테이지) / 顶流男团的私生活
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Comedy,Drama,Romance,Showbiz,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Even Though I’m the Villainess, I’ll Become the Heroine! (Official)
악녀지만 여주인공이 되겠습니다 / Aku Seorang Antagonis, Tapi Aku Akan Jadi Tokoh Utamanya!
Stage of The Dark Souls (Official)
검은 영혼의 무대
🇮🇩The Hero is Standing in My Way (Official)
The Hero is Standing in My Way / A male protagonist is blocking my way / 남자 주인공이 내 앞길을 가로막는다 /The Male Lead Won't Let Me Be!
Sion / Jooahri / Dukbok
Taming My Villainous Little Brother
BL 소설 속 집착광공의 친누나입니다 / Ela é a irmã mais velha do protagonista obsessivo / Ela é a irmã mais velha do protagonista yandere em uma novel BL / L'aînée du fou obsessionnel / She's the Older Sister of the Yandere Male Lead / She's the Older Sister of the Yandere Male Lead in a BL Novel / She's the Older Sister of the Obsessive Male Lead / Вона старша сестра одержимого головного героя-маніака / ヤンデレ主人公の姉になりました / 我成了偏执狂男主的亲姐姐 / 집착광공의 친누나입니다
Ahntammi / Lemong / Apple
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Regression,Romance,Transmigration
An Obedient Inheritence «Official»
A Tamed Legacy / An Obedient Legacy / Obedient Heritage / Obediente Herencia / Thừa Kế / Покорённое наследство / 被驯服的遗产 / 순종적인 유산
Shinitagari to Iseijin
A Death Wish and An Alien
Mihara Okawa
Seducing the Top Boss
Mogami Buchou wa Tagiri Chirasu
🇯🇵Manga,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Office Workers
Reforming the Obsessive Male Lead [Official]
Eu me Tornei a Irmã Mais Nova de um Protagonista Obsessivo Arrependido / I Became the Younger Sister of a Regretful Obsessive Male Lead / Головний герой у відчаї, а я стала його молодшою сестрою / ヤンデレ公子の妹になりました / 成为BL主人公的妹妹 / 후회 광공의 여동생이 되었다
HI / Purple Lemon / Debin
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Full Color,Isekai,Romance
I'm a Slave in an Alternate World but My Master Does Not Desire Me
I Became a Slave in Another World, But My Husband Does Not Feel Any Lust for Me / Isekai de Dorei ni Narimashitaga Goshujinsama Ha Watashi ni Yokujo Shimasen / 異世界で奴隷になりましたがご主人さまは私に欲情しません
TORINOSHITA Vinyl / Kunihara
I Became the Villain's Mother 〘Official〙
I Became the Mother of the Villain / Me convertí en la madre de un villano / Menjadi Ibu Antagonis / Я стала матерью злодея! / คุณแม่มือใหม่ของจอมวายร้าย / 反派的继母 / 悪党の母になりました / 成为反派的继母 / 某天我成了恶棍的继母 / 악당의 엄마가 되어버렸다
Yulji / Iro
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Romance,Slice of Life
Setagaya Synchronicity
世田谷シンクロニシティ / Setagaya Shinkuronishiti
Hongou Chika
Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love
Aisaretagari no Shohousen
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Smut,Drama,Medical,Romance,Slice of Life
Dog Eat Dog Era ~Ryuujinzoku Dorei no Futago to Saimin Koubi
Oniben Katze
She's the Older Sister of the Yandere Male Lead in a BL Novel
BL 소설 속 집착광공의 친누나입니다 / Ela é a irmã mais velha do protagonista obsessivo / Ela é a irmã mais velha do protagonista yandere em uma novel BL / She's the Older Sister of the Yandere Male Lead / 我是执着狂的亲姐姐 / 집착광공의 친누나입니다
Antammi / Apple
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Reincarnation,Romance,Royal family,Time Travel
Former Vet Lady Has Had Her Engagement Called Off, but is Very Popular With the Fluffies! (Official)
Moto Juui no Reijou wa Konyaku Haki Saremashita ga, Mofumofu-tachi ni Daininki desu! / Moto Juui no Reijou wa Konyaku Haki Saremashitaga, Mofumofu-tachi ni Daininkidesu! / The Daughter Is a Former Veterinarian Has Been Abandoned, but Is Very Popular With Mofumofu! / The Duke's Daughter Is a Former Veterinarian That Has Been Abandoned, but Is Very Popular with Fluffy Beings! / The Former Veterinarian Turned Duke's Daughter Has Had Her Engagement Broken off, but She's Still Very Popular with Fluffy Beings! / 元獣医の令嬢は婚約破棄されましたが、もふもふたちに大人気です!
Sonomiya Rion / Uehara Makoto
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Animals,Fantasy,Isekai,Magic,Medical,Reincarnation,Romance,Slice of Life,Video Games
The Male Lead Won't Let Me Be!
The Hero Is Standing in My Way / The Male Lead Is Blocking My Way / The Male Protagonist Is Blocking My Way / 主役が私の邪魔をする / 男主阻挡了我前进的道路 / 男主挡了我的前程 / 남자 주인공이 내 앞길을 가로막는다
SION / Jooahri / DukBok
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Magic,Regression,Reincarnation,Romance
I Realized I Am the Younger Brother of the Protagonist in a BL Game
Kana / Hanaka Rui (Original Work) / Shive (Character Design)
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen ai,Childhood Friends,Game,Harem,Romance,School Life,Video Games
BLOOM (Cocaree)
#BLOOM / Back Stage Bloom / Backstage Bloom / Backstage_ BLOOM / ภาพร้อนซ่อนอดีต / 백스테이지(Backstage)_BLOOM
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Smut,Full Color,Romance
Colorize [Official]
#Colorize / Backstage_ Colorize / BL 단편선 백스테이지(Backstage) Colorize / แต้มสีใจฉันด้วยใจเธอ / 백스테이지(Backstage)_Colorize
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Anthology,Drama,Full Color,Mystery,Romance
That Time I Became a BL Game Protagonist and My Rival Doted on Me
BLゲームの主人公になったらライバルに溺愛された件 / BL Game no Shujinkou ni Nattara Rival ni Dekiai Sareta Ken
Tomoka Nomiya
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Childhood Friends,Isekai
🇮🇩Aku Menjadi Istri Tokoh Utama Novel Tragedi (Official)
I Became the Wife of a Tragedy's Main Lead / I Got Married in a Hardboiled Fiction / Mariée au héros d'une tragédie / Me convertí en la esposa del protagonista principal de una tragedia / ฉันกลายเป็นภรรยาในนิยายโศกนาฏกรรม / 冷血皇子と捨てられた王女 / 成為致鬱小說主角的夫人 / 我成了暗黑系小说主人公的夫人 / 피폐물 주인공의 부인이 되었습니다
Kim Cukdas / Neff
My Sister Picked Up the Male Lead
언니가 남자주인공을 주워왔다 / Kakakku Memungut Pemeran Utama Laki-laki / Mi hermana recogió al protagonista masculino / 姉が男主人公を拾ってきた / 姐姐把男主人公撿回家了 / 姐姐捡回了男主
Moon Si Hyun / Doubu
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Comedy,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Magic,Reincarnation,Romance
Love Lesson
#Love Lesson / Backstage_ Love Lesson / บทเรียนสอนรัก / 백스테이지(Backstage)_LOVE LESSON
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Anthology,Full Color,Romance
Shitsuren Joshi to Toshishita Danshi ni Moteki Tourai Shitagari Mens to Torotoro Zetsurin Doukyo
The Brokenhearted Girl Is Now Popular With Younger Guys! -Living In Unparalleled Pleasure With Men Who Are Raring To Go- / Shitsuren joshi, toshishita danshi ni mote-ki tōrai!?~ Shita gari menzu to torotoro zetsurin dōkyo / 失恋女子、年下男子にモテ期到来!?~シたがりメンズとトロトロ絶倫同居~
Ako / Atsuko Aizawa
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Adult,Mature,Smut,Reverse Harem,Romance
Cucked, Drugged, and Raped by Twins from Hell
Jigoku Futago ni Yome Netorarete Kyousei Kimeseku / 地獄双子に嫁寝取られて強制キメセク
Akino Mori
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