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Ctrl + T / Ctrl + T mini / Ctrl Plus T / Ctrl Plus T mini / Ctrl+T 浅野いにおWORKS / Ctrl+T mini / Ctrl+T mini 浅野いにおWORKS
asano inio
Seinen(M),Slice of Life
Chapter 2
Romance no Hakoniwa

Romance no Hakoniwa

ロマンスの箱庭 / The Miniature Garden of a Romance
itou natsuo
Shounen ai,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Chapter 3
Kono Sekai no Katasumini

Kono Sekai no Katasumini

この世界の片隅に / Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni / Konosekai no Katasumi ni / To All the Corners of the World
kouno fumiyo
Seinen(M),Drama,Historical,Slice of Life
Seikimatsu Prime Minister

Seikimatsu Prime Minister

世紀末プライムミニスター / Millenium Prime Minister / Millennium Prime Minister / Prime Minister / Prime Minister at the End of the Century
eiki eiki
Chapter 3
Hakoniwa Cosmos

Hakoniwa Cosmos

Miniature Garden Cosmos
kuwata noriko
Shoujo ai,Comedy,School Life
Chapter 8
Secret Diplomacy

Secret Diplomacy

公使閣下の秘密外交 / Koushi Kakka no Himitsu Gaikou / Minister Excellency / Secret Diplomacy of a Minister Excellency / The Prime Minister' / s Secret Diplomacy / The Secret Diplomacy of a Minister Excellency
nitta youka
Volume 2 Chapter 5
Kindaichi Case Files: The Mini-Vacation

Kindaichi Case Files: The Mini-Vacation

金田一少年の1泊2日小旅行 / Kindaichu Shounen no Ippaku Futsuka Shouryokou
amagi seimaru / satou fumiya / awa bako
Chapter 17
Romance no Hakoniwa

Romance no Hakoniwa

ロマンスの箱庭 / The Miniature Garden of a Romance
itou natsuo
Shounen ai,Fantasy,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Feminine wa Utau

Feminine wa Utau

Singing is Girly
yamaguchi miyuki
Chapter 26.1
Tales of the Abyss: Tsuioku no Jade

Tales of the Abyss: Tsuioku no Jade

テイルズ オブ ジ アビス 追憶のジェイド / 憶のジェイド / Tale of the Abyss: Jade in My Memories / Tale of the Abyss: Reminiscences of Jade / Tales of the Abyss (KANOU Ayumi)
miyajima takumi
Chapter 9
Meminisse - Sai x Rai

Meminisse - Sai x Rai

Chapter 1
Tales of the Abyss: Tsuioku no Jade

Tales of the Abyss: Tsuioku no Jade

テイルズ オブ ジ アビス 追憶のジェイド / 憶のジェイド / Tale of the Abyss: Jade in My Memories / Tale of the Abyss: Reminiscences of Jade / Tales of the Abyss (KANOU Ayumi)
miyajima takumi / kanou ayumi
Volume 1 Chapter 9
Hakoniwa Angel

Hakoniwa Angel

假像天使 / 盆景里的天使 / 箱庭エンジェル / 箱庭天使 / Colorful Twinkle Love / Miniature Garden Angel / Thiên Thần Giả Tạo
oda aya
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Usotsuki na Gemini

Usotsuki na Gemini

うそつきなジェミニ / Lying Gemini / My Fragile Love / Untruthful Gemini / Usotsuki na Jemini
miyawaki yukino
Chapter 12.2


tamakoshi hiroyuki
Chapter 0
Watashi no Hakoniwa

Watashi no Hakoniwa

My Miniature Garden
Chapter 0
Aldnoah.Zero Gaiden: TWIN GEMINI

🇪🇸Aldnoah.Zero Gaiden: TWIN GEMINI

Aldnoah Zero Gaiden: Twin Gemini / ALDNOAH.ZERO外伝 TWIN GEMINI / アルドノア・ゼロ外伝 TWIN GEMINI
urobuchi gen / olympus knights / satake kiyokazu / shimura takako
Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Mecha,Psychological,School Life,Sci-Fi,Tragedy
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Viehmannin wa Utau

Viehmannin wa Utau

フィーメンニンは謳う / Feminine wa Utau / Viehmannin Sings
yamaguchi miyuki
Volume 5 Chapter 28


miyazaki maya
Chapter 41
Usotsuki na Gemini

Usotsuki na Gemini

うそつきなジェミニ / Lying Gemini / My Fragile Love / Untruthful Gemini / Usotsuki na Jemini
miyawaki yukino
Volume 3 Chapter 12
Hakoniwa Angel

Hakoniwa Angel

假像天使 / 箱庭天使 / 箱庭エンジェル / 盆景里的天使 / Miniature Garden Angel
oda aya
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Volume 2 Chapter 6
Watashi no Hakoniwa

Watashi no Hakoniwa

My Miniature Garden
Chapter 1
Kono Sekai no Katasumini

Kono Sekai no Katasumini

この世界の片隅に / Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni / Kono Sekai no Katasumini / Konosekai no Katasumi ni / To All The Corners of the World
kouno fumiyo
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Historical,Slice of Life
vol.1 ch.000a
Touhou - Ki ni Naru Kimi ni Kiku Kusuri!!!! (Doujinshi)

🇪🇸Touhou - Ki ni Naru Kimi ni Kiku Kusuri!!!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou dj - Effective Medicine for the Worrisome You!! / Touhou dj - Kininaru Kimini Kikukusuri!! / 気になるキミに効くクスリ!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Feminine wa Utau

Feminine wa Utau

Singing is Girly
yamaguchi miyuki
Meminisse - Sai x Rai

Meminisse - Sai x Rai

Chapter 1
Twin Doll no Hakoniwa

Twin Doll no Hakoniwa

ツインドルの箱庭 / The Miniature Garden of Twindle / Twindle no Hakoniwa
chino machiko
Chapter 8
Tales of the Abyss - Tsuioku no Jade

Tales of the Abyss - Tsuioku no Jade

テイルズオブジアビス 追憶のジェイド / Tale of the Abyss: Jade in My Memories / Tale of the Abyss: Reminiscences of Jade / Tales of the Abyss (KANOU Ayumi) / Tales of the Abyss: Jade's Secret Memories / Tales of the Abyss: Recollections of Jade / Tales of the Abyss: Tsuioku no Jade / 憶のジェイド
miyajima takumi / bandai namco games / kanou ayumi
Chapter 4
Hakoniwa no Soleil

Hakoniwa no Soleil

小庭园的阳光 / 箱庭のソレイユ / Le Soleil dans le Jardin Miniature / Searching for the light in my little garden
kawabata shiki / hakoniwa no soleil 15
Shoujo(G),Drama,Mystery,Romance,School Life
Chapter 14
Hakoniwa Angel

🇪🇸Hakoniwa Angel

假像天使 / 箱庭天使 / 箱庭エンジェル / 盆景里的天使 / Miniature Garden Angel
oda aya
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Mini Kiznaiver Theater

Mini Kiznaiver Theater

Chapter 7
The Miniature Garden of Twindle

The Miniature Garden of Twindle

twin doll no hakoniwa / twindle no hakoniwa
chino machico
Volume 1 Chapter 6


Ministry of Death / Shoyakusyo / 死役所
azumi kishi
Volume 2 Chapter 9


ドミニオン / Dominion Tank Police
shirow masamune
Chapter 6
Erotic Fairy Tales - The Ugly Duckling

🇪🇸Erotic Fairy Tales - The Ugly Duckling

えろ♥めるへんみにくいアヒルの子 / Ero Meruhen - Minikui Ahiru no ko
miyagawa mao
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Hakoniwa Cosmos

Hakoniwa Cosmos

Miniature Garden Cosmos
kuwata noriko
Shoujo ai,Comedy,Mystery,School Life
Chapter 8
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