Search "Mori"
Gorgeous Charat Galaxy
Seinaru Kaibutsu no Mori
higuri yuu
Shounen ai,Adventure,Drama,Historical,Mystery
Memento Memori
Keepsake Memory / Memento Memory / メメントメモリ
kou-ki / memento memori 18
Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Horror,Psychological,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Pichi Pichi Pitch
ぴちぴちピッチ / ぴちぴちピッチ―マーメイドメロディー / マーメイドメロディーぴちぴちピッチ / 真珠美人魚 / Cherry Blossom (HANAMORI Pink) / Get Nude / Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch / MMPPP / Moonlight Go
yokote michiko / hanamori pink
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,School Life
Hotarubi no Mori e
Ateş Böceği Işığının Ormanına / 蛍火の杜へ / Hibi, Fukaku / Hotaru no Mori / Hotaru no Mori He / Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light / Kurukuru Ochi Ha / به سوی جنگل کرم های شب تاب
midorikawa yuki
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Memories of Emanon
おもいでエマノン / 回憶愛瑪儂 / Emanon's Memories / Omoide Emanon
kajio shinji / tsuruta kenji
🇮🇹Souten no Koumori
A Bat in Blue Sky / Sôten no Kômori / خفاش في سماء زرقاء / 蒼天の蝙蝠
Arakawa Hiromu
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Historical,Martial Arts
🇪🇸7-gatsu no Mahoutsukai
10-gatsu no Oujo to Boku / 7月の魔法使い / 7月的魔法使 / 7月魔法使 / 王子様11月のユウウツ / Forest in the Morning / Gozen no Mori / Magician in July / Ouji-sama 11gatsu no Yuutsu / Ouji-sama Juuichigatsu no Yuutsu / Oujisama 11-gatsu no Yuutsu / Queen and Me in October / Shichigatsu no Mahoutsukai / The Prince Melancholy in November / Wizard in July
tanaka meca
Shoujo(G),Romance,School Life
Microman (Moritou Yoshihiro)
Chisana Kyojin Mikuroman / Micronauts / Small Giant Microman / Tiny Titan Microman
moritou yoshihiro / hibiki wataru
Memento Memori
Keepsake Memory Memento Memory Remember that you must die メメントメモリ
Seinen(M),Action,Drama,Horror,Psychological,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
🇹🇷Hotarubi no Mori e
Ateş Böceği Işığının Ormanına / 蛍火の杜へ / Hibi, Fukaku / Hotaru no Mori / Hotaru no Mori He / Into the Forest of Fireflies' Light / Kurukuru Ochi Ha / به سوی جنگل کرم های شب تاب
midorikawa yuki
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
🇮🇹Azure and Claude
Aozora to Kumorizora / Blue Sky and Cloudy Sky / The Simple Job of Driving People to Suicide / あおぞらとくもりぞら / 晴空与阴空
Miaki Sugaru / Loundraw
🇯🇵Seinen(M),Drama,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Omamori no Kamisama
おまもりのかみさま / Omamori no Kami-sama
kosugi mayu
Fuguruma Memories
ふぐるまかんらいほうき / Fuguruma-kan Raihoki / Fugurumakan Raihouki / 文車館来訪記
toume kei
Onigari no Mori de
鬼狩りの森で / 鬼獵森林 / In the Forest of the Phantom / Oni Kari no Mori de
miyamoto kano
That Girl Is Not Just Cute
Kawaii dake ja nai Shikimori-san / Kawaii dake ja nai Onnanoko / Kawaii Dake Janai Onnanoko / Kawaii Dake Janai Shikimori-san / Miss Shikimori Is Not Just Cute / Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie / That Girl Is Not Just Cute / That Girl Isn't Just Cute / คุณชิกิโมริไม่ได้น่ารักแค่อย่างเดียวนะ / かわいいだけじゃない女の子漫画 / 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん / 式部同学不只是可爱而已 / 我家女友可不止可爱呢 / 귀엽기만 한 게 아닌 시키모리 양 / 귀엽지만은 않은 여자아이
MAKI Keigo
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Jinja no Mori no Nora Neko-kun
神社の杜のノラ猫君 / 神社森林中的流浪猫 / Jinjya no Mori no Nora Neko-kun
Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
Chiisana Mori no Ookami-chan
Little Forest Wolf / The Small Forest Wolf / The Wolf of the Small Forest / ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん
wataame / chiisana mori no ookami-chan 17
Fantasy,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Rasen No Kioku
Spiral Memories / スパイラルメモリーズ / 螺旋の記憶 / Pusaran Memori
inui miku
Josei(W),Shounen ai,Drama,Supernatural,Tragedy
🇵🇹Imori 201
イモリ201 / Imori from room 201
imai yuu
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Smut,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Really? Really! - Remember Memories
Really? Really!-REMEMBER MEMORIES- / Shuffle: Really Really / Shuffle: Really? Really!
navel / kusaka shiroi
Kanon (MORISHIMA Petit)
Kanon (Key) / Kanon -Key-
key / morishima petit
Comedy,Drama,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Rinne no Lagrange - Akatsuki no Memoria
輪廻のラグランジェ~暁月のメモリア~ / 轮回的Lagrange~晓月的记忆 / Rinne no Lagrange - Akatoki no Memoria / Rinne no Lagrange - Akatsuki (Akatoki) no Memoria
production i.g / suga shotaro / yoshioka kimitake
Piano no Mori
ピアノの森 / ピアノの森 -The perfect world of KAI- / 森林中的钢琴师 / Forest of the Piano / Piano no Mori: The Perfect World of Kai
isshiki makoto
Seinen(M),Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life
Kanshikan Tsunemori Akane
監視官 常守朱 / Inspector Akane Tsunemori / Monitoring Officer Akane Tsunemori / Psycho-Pass / PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス / PSYCHO-PASS 心理測量
urobuchi gen / miyoshi hikaru
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